Saturday, April 27, 2013

3 Levels of being Attractive

There are three levels of being attractive, and they build on top of each other.
  1. How you are
  2. What you are
  3. Who you are
How you are refers to your behavior in terms of confidence and strength. Being attractive starts with being grounded.

It is possible for women to be attracted to men they don't find attractive. In other words, men they never thought able to attract them. This might seem fun, but it's an uphill climb. 

Cognitive dissonance kicks in if what you are is not the kind of person she finds attractive. Your job will be to keep her attention long enough to hook her. Usually by tricking her to invest time and effort into your interactions.

Instead, if you dress fashionably, have a decent job and a cool personality and lifestyle, your job consist of getting her attention once and initiate a spark. The rest will take care of itself.

Who you are is a question of social status.

When you have confidence and combine it with a cool personality and a habit of making great impressions, your status among people who've met you will start to rise. They will talk about you and greet you with enthusiasm. Keep this up and you will have a reputation that precedes you.

By then, your job will be to pick the women you like the best.

And we all want that job.

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